Study Number 3: Acts 2 v 3 - 36
19 February 1989


The Coming of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Came to Fill Followers of Jesus

-   He came because God loves us.
He didn't come as a reward to good Christians. He didn't come because people prayed alot. He didn't come to those who deserved Him - remember how they ran away when Jesus was arrested, and how Peter denied Jesus?

He came because God loves us; when He returned to heaven, Jesus received the Holy Spirit from the Father, and sent Him to His followers who were trusting Him (Acts 2:33).

-   He came to loving and obedient disciples.
Jesus commanded His followers to wait in Jerusalem (Acts 1:4); they showed their complete trust in His word by waiting without question. Jesus said, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; the Spirit of Truth" (John 14:15-17).

Our obedience to Jesus is the measure of our love for Him and faith in Him. If the Holy Spirit appears to make no difference in your life, could the reason be your lack of obedience to Jesus?

-   He came to the group, and to each individual.
The mighty rushing sound surrounded them all as they sat together. The tongues like flames of fire rested upon each one individually - Peter, James, Mary Magdalene, Cleopas, Joanna, ... - they were each filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit fills us individually, and also unites and directs us corporately (Ephesians 5:18-20).

-   He came to all - especially the weak and humble. God had promised that young people and old people, boys and girls, even servants and slaves would receive His gift.

No Christian is excluded; the weaker you are, so the more elligible you are.

The Holy Spirit Came to Give Power to the Followers of Jesus

-   There was no doubt that He came.
They heard Him come, saw Him come and experienced Him individually (Acts 2:1-8). None of them could say, "I'm not sure if I have received the Holy Spirit."

God intends for us all to be certain that we have received and entered into the same blessing (Galations 3:13,14).

-   His coming made a profound difference.
Jesus said He would make a great difference, and that His coming was necessary for them. He even said, "I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go away; for if I do not go away the Helper shall not come to you; but when I go, I will send Him to you." The effect of His coming was felt not only by Jesus' followers, but also by the non-Christians around about them.

A church or a person trying to live for Jesus without the Holy Spirit is like a car running without fuel - you need tremendous effort to get going, and when you do start rolling you only go downhill.

-   He came to bring power. The disciples were able to do things which amazed the onlookers (Acts 2:12). Peter explained to them how this fulfilled God's promise in the book of Joel, that there would be prophecies, visions, dreams, wonders and signs. But we shouldn't think like Simon, the magician of Samaria, that the power of the Holy Spirit is some kind of divine magic that once we possess the secret allows us to do mighty wonders to impress people and win them over to our cause (Acts 8:18-22).

The power of the Holy Spirit is the ability to do what God calls us to do. Jesus didn't give us an occult power to be invoked by spells and incantations. He gave us a person to direct us and to equip us in God's work.


What difference is the Holy Spirit making in your life today? Do you find your Christian life a struggle; Do you frequently abandon prayer and personal Bible study in favour of TV and other pastimes; do you not witness to non-Christians, or do you find your witness ineffective? The Helper has been sent by Jesus to come alongside you, to fill you, and to give you the ability to do what God wants. Are you willing to receive Him, to open up your heart and life to Him, and to obey Him as He leads you and equips you for service to God's people and witness to others?

Copyright © S P Townsend

Copyright © S P Townsend