WCF 10 October 1993

Theme: Thanking God for Each Other


Psalm 133:1-3; Ecc 4:7-12; Song 5:2-8.

1.    The Strength that comes from Fellowship
Ecc 4:12.
Greater fruitfulness (v9)
Easier recovery from failure (v10)
Better able to cope with problems (v11,12)

2.    The Blessing that derives from Unity
Psalm 133:1-3.
God Himself is One (Jn
God intends us to be one (Jn
God pours out His blessing on those united in Him (Ps 133:3)

3.    The Challenge presented by Sexuality
Song 8:6,7.
Sexuality is given for unity (Matt 19:4-6)
The monogomous heterosexual relationship illustrates fellowship and unity in the Church (Eph
Serving the Lord within the fellowship of the Church God's people can be fully fulfilled without having a sexual relationship (1 Cor
God hates anything that breaks unity (1 Thess 4:3-8)

Song 8:5-10 is a plea for monogomy. What is wrong with having a sexual relationship with more than one person?
Song 8:7 rejects the idea that love can be bought. In what ways do people or society try to sell love today?
Is it possible to be a totally fulfilled person without having had any sexual relationships?

Copyright © S P Townsend

Copyright © S P Townsend