Kingswells 19 Mar 2000

Theme: Faith in Jesus


Reading  Matt 14: 13-36


Having true faith was so difficult for the first disciples, and we are no different. Jesus has so often to say, “You of little faith, why did you doubt.” Children find faith easier than adults. Children have to trust. Adults have learned to be cynical, not to trust others, to believe that they have to depend on themselves.

•     Trusting when things are easy: Matt 14: 15-17

When we have heard Jesus speaking, when we have seen his power at work changing and healing people, when we have the support of many around us, when the sun has been shining, then it is easier for us to have faith, but even then we doubt.

•     Trusting when things are difficult: Matt 14: 24-26

When things are against us, when we are weary with trying and failing, when God does not seem to be near us, when others around us are frightened, when we are cold and wet and the night is dark, then we find it most difficult to trust.

•     The essentials of faith


Leaving your comfort zone; turning from self-reliance; abandoning unreliable supports.


Accepting the evidence; knowing the facts; understanding the implications; trusting God’s word.


Inspired by example; encouraged by others; enthused with a vision.


Committing yourself; taking God at his word.


Holding Jesus’ hand; having Jesus hold you.


Copyright © S P Townsend

Copyright © S P Townsend