Westhill Episcopal 13 August 1995

Theme: Faith is - Reasonable


Gen 22:1-13; Hebrews 11:17-19.

          Recap & Introduction
We are currently following a series on “Faith”. Last Sunday we considered two examples from the Old Testament, Abraham’s servant Eliezer, and Rebekah who was called to become a wife for Isaac.

•      Extraordinary Eliezer Gen 24:1-9

       did his duty faithfully

       wanted God’s choice only

       trusted in God completely

•      Remarkable Rebekah Gen 24:50-58

       responded to needs unselfishly

       recognised God’s call immediately

       followed God’s way unquestioningly

          This week and next we will be looking at examples from the life of Abraham. This week the topic is “Faith is reasonable”.

          Faith and Reason
Most people in our culture think faith is incompatible with reason. Faith is not scientific, it is thought. Science has to do with reality, what we can prove; faith to do with hopes and aspirations, things we cannot prove. Science is sensible and rational, faith is not sensible or rational, so the man in the street thinks.

          But this is a misunderstanding. For one thing the scientific method is rooted in faith. The scientist assumes that (1) there is logical order in the universe, (2) that it is possible to observe and record patterns of behaviour, (3) that these patterns of behaviour do not change, and (4) that the supported testimony of other scientists can be trusted. These are essentially positions of faith. More than this, they are positions that did not come easily and naturally to mankind. It was only because of their faith in the God of the Bible that those who led the modern scientific revolution believed that the Universe was ordered, and that this order could be observed and used to predict future behaviour.

          And secondly, true faith is reasonable. It does not conflict with logical thought and analysis, indeed it requires the use of the intellect. Faith and reason do not conflict; instead reason supports and builds faith.

1.      Faith is focused on God
Heb 11:6. We believe that he exists and that seeking Him is profitable. Heb 12:2 Fix your eyes on Jesus.

2.      Faith is founded on the Word of God
Gen 22:1,2. Abraham heard God’s voice. Biblical faith has the Word of God as its foundation. To act without God’s Word is presumption. To fail to act when God speaks is disobedience. Ref Matt 14:28,29. We must never place our usual experience over and above God’s word.

3.      Faith is fortified by a renewed mind
Heb 11:19. Abraham reasoned it through. Faith is exercised when we believe, and that belief motivates action. It is not thinking things through that destroys faith; it is ignorance and fear. Ref Matt 14:30,31.

          We need renewed minds (Rom 12:2), not dull or blind (2 Cor 3:14;4:4) but wholesome (2 Pet 3:1) and prepared for action (1 Pet 1:13). It is with the renewed mind that we understand clearly what God’s will is, distinguishing between His word and that of self, man or the enemy.

Rom 12:1,2. Let us seek renewed minds. Rom 8:5,6. Let us live in accordance with the Spirit, setting our minds on what He desires, submitting our minds to His control.

How do we ensure that we are receiving God's word and promise and not just imagining things, or hearing the voice of self or someone else?

          How can we ensure that our minds are transformed?


Copyright © S P Townsend

Copyright © S P Townsend