WCF 12 September 1993

Theme: God's Promise to Abraham


Gen 17:1-25

          Recap & Introduction
Last Sunday we considered God's call to Abraham. We considered what God's call meant for him and for us. In particular to follow wherever God leads, to forget things that hold you back, first priority is worship of God, and to exercise faith not fear. This week we consider God's promise to Abraham.

God does not leave us to cope alone. He is constantly with us, changing our lives, and moulding us into what He wants us to become.

1.      Changed Names
Abraham (v5)  and Sarah (v15) were both new names. Abram means exalted father; Abraham means father of many. Sarah means princess. The change of name symbolises change of status and a new agreement (v7-8).
We receive a new name and a new relationship with God through Jesus (John 1:12,13; Rev 3:12). A new sign indicates this new relationship - baptism.

2.      Changed Plans
Gen 16 speaks of Abram's and Sarai's scheme to fulfill God's promise, through Ishmael. They had to learn to faithfully obey God's instructions, not to make our own solutions. The way to heaven is strewn with the wrecks caused by God's people following Him in their own way! The wonderful thing is the way God picks up the pieces and weaves them into His perfect plan in spite of us!

3.      Changed Destiny
Hebrews 11:11 speaks of God's answer to Abraham's and Sarah's impossible situation. Nothing is impossible for God. We must comply with his will even though like Sarah we think it is ridiculous (Gen 18:12).

How do we check that we are receiving God's promises and not just imagining things?

In what ways do we sometimes take the initiative out of God's hands and try to do His work in our own way?


Copyright © S P Townsend

Copyright © S P Townsend