Gerrard Street Baptist Church

5 July 1998

Series: Alone With God

Study 3: Hearing God’s Word


Reading: 2 Peter 1:12-21



The very first thing we learn about God in the Bible, apart from the fact of His existence, is that He is a God who speaks.  “And God said ...” we read in Gen 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, etc. If we are going to get to know God better, then there is one thing we will have to get used to: He is going to speak to us. Whether we hear what He says, or understand it, is another matter altogether.

We should be excited by the thought that God speaks to us. When God speaks things happen. Universes explode, darkness flees, light dawns, seas move, life begins, when He speaks. The dead are raised, the storm is calmed, the sick are healed, when He speaks. Speaking is the primary way by which He implements His purposes. That is why Christ is called the ‘Word of God’; that is why the Holy Spirit is called the ‘Breath of God’.

So, when God speaks to you, or to me, then something special is going to happen. The big question is, do we hear Him? That is why our topic this morning is ‘Hearing God’s Word.’ There are two things that will prevent us from hearing - (i) not belonging to God (Jn 8:47) (ii) hardening of the heart (Psalm 95:7,8).

Why does God Speak?

·      He speaks to fulfill His purpose (Heb 11:3; 1:3)

·      He speaks to make Himself known (Heb 1:1-3)

·      He speaks to bring salvation (Heb 2:3; 1 Pet 1:23)

How does God Speak?

·      by revelation from Heaven (v17)

·      through the Lord Jesus Christ (v14)

·      through the Scripture (v19)

·      by the Holy Spirit (v21)

·      through his people (v12)

How do we hear God’s voice?

·      Pay attention to the word of God (v19)

·      Seek understanding from the Holy Spirit (v20,21)

·      Look for confirmation (v19)

·      Refresh your memory (v12)


“Today if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.” It is possible to resist the voice of God, not by failing to read His Word, but by failing to pay attention and to grow in understanding. James tells us it’s easy to deceive ourselves about this, and end up being no different (Jas 1:22-25). When God speaks to you and me His intention is to change us - to do something more in us for His glory, to show us more of Himself, to bring us deeper into His salvation. So let us gladly and willingly submit ourselves to His Word, listening intently for His voice. “If you do these thinge,” says Peter, “you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” (1:10,11).

Copyright © S P Townsend

Copyright © S P Townsend