Westhill Episcopal Church

Sunday 16th October 2005

Theme: His Truth Brings Freedom


Aim:  to understand and experience the freedom available in Christ.

Key verse:You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (Jn 8:32).


John 8:31-47

1. The Dispute about Truth

Jesus challenged some Jews who had decided to follow Him. He focused on the very essence of their understanding of truth and reality – who they were. We might think that there is no other aspect of truth that we can be more certain about than our own personal identity. We would be wrong!

Two Views of Truth

The Jews


We are free

You are slaves

We are Abraham’s offspring

You are children of the devil

We are not illegitimate

You do what the devil does

God alone is our Father

You are deaf to God’s voice

We don’t need to be set free

You can be set free

Focus on history

Focus on reality

2. Perception and Reality

Truth is what is real and what is lasting. Truth is what God plans and makes real, not what we perceive or think.

The Perception

The Reality

3. Freedom in Christ

Jesus said

  • Hold to my teaching
  • Be my disciples in reality
  • Then you will know the truth
  • The truth will set you free

(John 8:31,32)


What Jesus Taught

Prisoners of Satan. Enslaved to sin. Trapped and helpless.

Jesus can set us free. We must put our faith in Him.

God makes us sons. We know Him and hear Him. We are family forever.

Freedom that is ours by right! Things need not bind us. Fears need not overwhelm us. Cinderella didn’t return back to servitude!


Ask God to show you if there is any area of your life in which you need to know His deliverance and freedom. Ask the Lord for deliverance and believe His word: “If the Son sets you free you shall be free indeed” (Jn 8:36).

Copyright © S P Townsend

Copyright © S P Townsend