Westhill Episcopal 25 May 1997

Theme: Responsibility to Walk in Victory


Bible Passage

Ephesians 6:10-24


Since Easter we have been considering the letter of Paul to the Ephesians. We have looked at important topics, in particular

A Vision for the Church - Eph 1

Our Spiritual Position in Christ - Eph 2-3

Responsibility to Walk in Unity - Eph 4:1-16

Responsibility to Walk in Purity - Eph 4:17-5:17

Responsibility to Walk in Harmony - Eph 5:18-6:9

Now finally we are considering our Responsibility to Walk in Victory - Eph 6:10-24. We have been trying to see what this letter has to teach us about God’s purpose and resources for the Church, and consequently how the principles involved should influence our vision and church life and activities.

Well is this possible? Are there principles that applied to the first century Church that are also important for us today?

Some would argue not so - those who see the journey of the Church as an evolution from original primitive ideas and practices to more sophisticated teachings that are appropriate for today’s world; in the course of this journey many principles may be thrown out as inappropriate, and many new principles may be adopted from time to time when convenient. For instance today some argue that a belief in the supernatural was part of the warp and weft of first century life and inevitably featured prominently in the theology and practice of the Church, but today this is not the case and (they would argue) the theology of the supernatural is both unnecessary and unhelpful in today’s society.

But such arguments, well meaning and earnest as they may be, ignore the one central and fundamantal teaching of the Christian gospel, without which everything crumbles to dust. This principle was demonstrated and taught by Jesus, and was underlined by the apostles. In this letter to the Ephesians it is the pivot upon which everything else turns.

“God made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfilment - to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.” Eph 1:9,10.

Our theology, our teaching, our faith, all that the Church believes and depends upon, is not a product of wise human minds responding to changing circumstances. It is truth revealed from God Himself. More than that, it is a Divine plan conceived by Him, purposed by Him, carried out by Him, revealed to us by Him, and brought to fulfilment in Him.

The principles do not change. But, thank God, we do. Where we have been unbelieving, sceptical, misled, obstinate, foolish, ignorant, God because of His great love and the grace He has lavished in Christ, brings light and life, wisdom and understanding. We might have got it wrong for years or even centuries; to get it right we turn humbly back to God, seeking His will and purpose again.


1.      We are Included in Christ

Eph 6:10 “in the Lord.” Having heard the truth, and having believed, we have been included in Christ and bear the seal - the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:13).


2.      We are Confronted by Hostile and Evil Forces

Eph 6:11, 12, 13, 16 Devil’s schemes ... struggle ... against spiritual forces of evil ... day of evil ... arrows of the evil one.


3.      We Depend on His Strength and Protection

Eph 6:10,11 It is His mighty power and it is His armour. His truth, His righteousness, His gospel, His faith, His salvation, His word, His intercession.

4.      We are Defending, not Attacking

Eph 6:13 Having done everything, stand.

Defensive, not offensive. This means that we have normal business to get on with, but that we are ready to fend off attack. What is our normal business? Eph 4:12,13 bringing Christ’s Body to completion, all members present, all members full grown. Like Nehemiah’s people building the wall of Jerusalem, a brick in one hand, a sword in the other (Neh 4:17,18).

Defensive, not offensive. Of course the Church is on the offensive at all times, in the sense that it ceaselessly brings the light of the gospel into dark places, and wins people from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. But this is an act of peace, not war, and the Bible consistently uses the language of peace to describe it. We set up the King’s flag and declare that this is an area under the King’s rule. The battle comes when the enemy attacks in order to spoil what God is doing. And then we must be prepared to resist and to stand fast.

There is a danger in the view that encourages us to take the battle to the enemy, and that see spiritual warfare as an invasion of enemy territory, casting down his strongholds. The danger is that we forget that in practice he is trying to cast down our strongholds. While we march about looking for spiritual powers to cast down, he is busy sowing seeds of discord, disunity and dissension. Now I don’t want to totally rule out the present day idea that sees spiritual warfare as attacking the enemy. Those that advocate this may well have valuable insigh for certain circumstances. But, and it is big BUT, our fundamental, everyday warfare is to defend against the enemy, holding our ground. Christ invaded the enemies territory, Christ overcame, Christ now rules over all. The enemy is now reduced to guerrilla tactics.


5.      We Need the Full Armour

Belt of Truth

Breastplate of Righteousness

Feet fitted with the Readiness of the Gospel of Peace

Shield of Faith

Helmet of Salvation

Sword of the Spirit - the word of God

Alertness of Prayer


Copyright © S P Townsend

Copyright © S P Townsend