Study Number 34: Acts 19 v 23 - 20 v 1
26 Nov 1989

Ephesus - Confrontation with Satan


Last week we considered how Ephesus became a centre for mission equipped by the Holy Spirit. Two things in particular helped this to happen.

1.   Emphasis on instruction and teaching so that everyone grew more adequate in their understanding of the Way of the Lord.

2.   Dependence on God's Holy Spirit, using the gifts He supplied, to advance God's kingdom.

Both these principles should be evident in our experience also if we are to see God's work accomplished in the way He desires.

This week we will consider how Satan had established in Ephesus a centre of opposition to God's kingdom. The coming of the Gospel to Ephesus caused a confrontation between the forces of darkness and God's kingdom. See how Satan's defences crumble before the power of the Gospel. See also how his forces rally in counter-attack.

What are Evil Spirits?

Evil spirits (demons):

How do they Operate?

They seek above all to damage and destroy all that speaks of God, His ways and His glory. In particular they seek to damage and destroy individual people, communities of people, nations, and indeed the entire human race. They operate in many ways, including:

What is God's Answer?

The message of the gospel is that Jesus, God's Son, came to destroy the works of Satan and his evil spirits. He died and rose again in order to set people free to live for God. In particular:

And What About Us?