Study Number 15: Acts 9 v 32 - 43
21 May 1989
The Christians had been under great pressure (8:1; 9:1,2). Now the church was enjoying peace (9:31). But whatever the situation the believers needed
• to GROW
• to live in the FEAR OF THE LORD
The Holy Spirit brought this about, but He used Peter as one of His chosen instruments.
Notice the simple ingredients to Peter's healing ministry (see also 3:1-8)
• He responded to need - it was unpremeditated.
• He knew, and explained, that it was Jesus who was doing it.
• His faith was very simple, and very bold.
• He depended on the Lord through prayer.
• He sought privacy, not publicity.
He not only travelled about preaching the gospel (8:25), but also the Lord convinced people through the wonderful healings being accomplished in the name of Jesus.
1. Why were people healed by the Lord?
2. Does the Lord do things differently now?
3. Is it right to desire and pray for a healing ministry?
4. Do you think that to arrange and advertise healing meetings is the way the Holy Spirit wants things done?
5. In verse 34 Peter didn't say, "If God wills Jesus will heal you." Why not? When should we or shouldn't we pray, "If God wills"?
6. What's the difference between praying for someone to be healed and saying to someone, "Jesus Christ heals you?"
7. Under what circumstances would you be prepared to say to a sick person. or a dead person, "In Jesus name, get up?"
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