Westhill 23rd Jan 2000

Theme: Fruit of the Spirit - Joy


1 Peter 1:6-9; Phil 4:1-9; John 15:9-11; 16:16-24.

1.      Introduction
Current series on Fruit of Spirit (Gal 5:22,23)
Love is the first and that from which all the others derive.
Fits with our Vision - to love  - upwards, inwards, outwards
Essential as we develop our serving through gifts
Essential as we communicate the good news to others

2.      Jesus is the Source of our Joy (1 Pet 1)
Happiness depends on happenings
Joy depends on our relationship with Jesus (1 Pet 1: 6-9)
Joy fills, is inexpressible and glorious (1 Pet 1:8)

2.      Jesus is the Giver of our Joy (John 15,16)
It is His - John 15:11 “my joy may be in you”
He gives it, not sparingly - John 16:24 “ask and receive and your joy will be complete”
It lasts - John 16:22 “no-one will take away your joy”

3.      Joy Dispels Discouragement (Heb 12)
Jesus fixed his sights on joy through the cross - Heb 12:2 “Jesus, for the joy set before Him, endured”
We look to Jesus through pain and distress (Heb 12:2,3)
Joy keeps us from growing weary or losing heart (Heb 12:3)

4.      Trials Enlarge our Capacity for Joy
Rom 5:1-5 suffering produces a joyful outcome
James 1:2-4 count trials of many kinds as if they were joy
2 Cor 7:4-7 our fellowship together in trials causes joy to increase

5.      Application
You cannot know joy on your own
You do not have joy just for yourself
Do not allow the enemy to heap guilt on top of weariness
Take every opportunity to ask and receive


Copyright © S P Townsend

Copyright © S P Townsend