WCF 29 August 1993

Theme: Treasure in Heaven


1.      Reading
Mark 10:17-31; Matt 6:19-21; 1 Tim 6:17-19; 1 Cor 3:9-15

2.      Recap & Introduction
Last Sunday we considered the theme of Eternal Life. We saw that the word 'eternal' in the Scriptures derives from the word meaning 'an age', and can be thought of as meaning 'pertaining to the age'. Usually this means the age which is coming, when sin, death and the devil are finally dealt with and Christ reigns for ever in glory. The word 'eternal' means 'everlasting' because the age to come is everlasting, but it also has the meaning of all the other blessings and glories of the age to come, the greatest of which is fellowship with God. So John defines eternal life as 'knowing God and the Lord Jesus'. We considered the following points:
1.    Eternal Life Comes from God throughChrist
2.    Eternal Life Comes from Nowhere Else
3.    Eternal Life is Received by Faith
4.    Eternal Life is Taken Hold of Now

3.      Treasure in Heaven is stored up now
Matt 6:20

4.      Treasure in Heaven belongs to those whose heart is in Heaven
Matt 6:21

5.      Treasure in Heaven is received by those who forsake all for Jesus
Mark 10:21

6.      Treasure in Heaven is a reward for service
1 Cor 3:14,15; 1 Pet 5:2-4; 2 Tim 4:7-8


Copyright © S P Townsend

Copyright © S P Townsend